For happy children
and relaxed adults

Enjoy it with your family!

What could be better than shared experiences? We offer guests a holiday for the whole family. Harvest the sweetest fruit in the kitchen garden. Let the animals eat out of your hand in the petting zoo. While the children burn off energy on the playground, you can lie back on a lounger and keep an eye on them at the same time. And Evy's creative workshop never fails to make the little ones happy.

Lots of space to burn off energy

Our children's play area offers safe places to play and explore. Time will pass in a flash while on a swing or seesaw. And if it rains, the fun and games can simply continue indoors.
Your little ones will be exhausted but happy at the end of the day!

  • Generous playground with large lawn, toy house, slides, swings, sand box, adventure ship
  • Guest kitchen garden for harvesting herbs, berries and all that nature provides
  • Mountain go-karts
  • Guggi's farm for children with petting area featuring rabbits, goats, ponies (no pony riding - our ponies are the calmest of souls but no longer spring chickens!)
  • Table tennis, bicycles
  • Large children's room 100 m2 with swing jungle, paint and handicraft room, playhouse, ball pit, slides, spacehoppers, juice bar for children
  • Juice bar for children provides raspberry juice and water

Evy's creative workshop

Evy's workshop - where fun has a home. Paints and imagination to keep your little rascals entertained. And so you can sit back and relax.

Guggi's farm

It doesn't take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep. Our ponies are no longer spring chickens, but they still love to be petted and stroked. And our rabbits couldn't be any fluffier.

Unforgettable night hike

A genuine highlight for the whole family. Weather permitting, our hiking taxi - an old-time tractor with a safe trailer - will take the children to the Jäger Lake on Friday evening. They will all be carrying their lanterns which they will have made themselves the day before. Following a walk around the lake, the little hikers compete for the best and brightest lantern. The night ends with a snack at the cosy guesthouse on the lake, before the hiking taxi takes everyone safely back to the hotel.

No shortage of fun around Kleinarl

If you want a change or fancy an excursion, there's lots to discover around Kleinarl. Visit the adventure park Kleinarler Abenteurland, the nature playground at Wagraini, the themed KUHbiDu route or the haunted mountain. You cannot fail to find the right entertainment for your little ones.

  • "Kleinarler Abenteuerland" adventure park

    Fun, games and excitement at the adventure park for children over the age of 3 years. Pony riding, fishing, baking bread, campfire - experience new ideas and the day will pass before you know it.

  • Adventure pool "Wasserwelt Wagrain" with giant slides

    Our guests enjoy free entry every day to "Wasserwelt Wagrain". The outdoor and indoor swimming pools and giant slides are open in summer and winter. An exciting playground is also available during the summer months.

  • Wagraini with KUHbiDu themed route on the Grafenberg

    Take the Grafenberg lift and you and your family can spend the whole day up on the mountain. Take a raft across the lake, reach for the skies with the giant swings or descend the slopes on the giant slides. The KUHbiDu themed route can teach you about cows and you will receive a genuine certificate at the end.

  • Haunted mountain in Alpendorf

    Take the lift onto the mountain and then go for a long hike to enchant the witches and spirits. Enjoy the wonderful view across the mountains all the way to the Großglockner over the Hochkönig and the Dachstein. Undoubtedly a magical feeling.

  • Knight's castle in Mauterndorf

    Explore the medieval castle with sword and in knight's armour. This village is the oldest surviving medieval village in the Salzburg region. Definitely worth a trip for anyone who loves knights.

  • Untertauern parkland

    This large park in Untertauern is fun for the whole family. From the baby princess through to grandpa. Also great for couples and groups of friends. This private park is not a zoo but a wonderful natural place where humans, animals and nature can meet. Free entry

  • Alpine path "Alles Alm"

    Eight entertaining stations tell visitors about true events, curious facts and factoids about life in the alpine meadows. The viewing tower near the stone pine is the starting point and end point - visitors start the route on the giant slide. Free entry!




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